Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Change Your Life...Your Diet...Your World

Well, this is it! Finally you are able to shop for the best organic foods and beverages you can get your hands on anywhere. There is NO comparison to Beyond Organic. Probiotic rich Beyond Organic GreenFed foods and beverages have all the nutrition God intended left in them. Flavor on top of flavor, and a company that has succeeded in creating jobs while feeding the less fortunate. I am so happy to be a part of Beyond Organic. As your Mission Marketer, I will bring you the news of the latest happenings, excellent customer service and above all, pure organic foods and beverages to your homes. 

The volume on my site is heavy to the 100th degree on this first day. Please be patient. You will NOT be disappointed. Also, I ask that you extend your patience while all of the previous links on Drink Your Greens and Minerals get updated. Thank you and happy shopping!

Sherlinda Dix
Independent Manager
beyond organic
Join me!
ID Code 33541


  1. Stopping by from the Finding New Friends Blog Hop. I'd love if you stopped by my blog too. I'm following you by GFC.



  2. Hello frugalmommieof2, Thank you for the visit! I enjoy reading what everyone has to say. I hope you get the opportunity to stop by my Beyond Organic store. I eat organic and can tell you first hand you are going to REALLY L-O-V-E the foods and beverages we offer. Check it out. I will hop over to your site. Thanks again.:)




I so enjoy hearing from all of you. I welcome your thoughts, dietary goals, or whatever you would like to share with me. Thank you for your interest in +Drink Your Greens and Minerals. Have a terrific day!