Monday, November 25, 2013

Quick Note: The New Biology

Dr. Robert O. Young states - The hype about alkalizing your blood and then tissues is important because the human body is alkaline by design and acidic by function. This is the foundation of understanding the true cause of ALL sickness and disease.

Who is Dr. Young?

Dr. Robert O. Young is one of America's most significant published research scientists, and considered one of the top research scientists in the world. His work spans some thirty plus years. In this time he has transformed how we think and respond to disease. His research focuses on cellular nutrition, yet he remains devoted to finding the root causes of disease in order to balance the body. This is referred to by many as "The New Biology". Now that's pretty darn cool, wouldn't you say!

"ACID, which is an acronym which stands for:

A = acidic food and drink, attitudes and activities,
C = compromised internal acidic environment,
I = illness and dis-ease, and,
D = desire for more acidic foods, drinks, attitudes and activities, and the cycle repeats itself. "

Spelled out by Dr Robert O Young

Friday, November 22, 2013

Climbing, Running Performance and Injury Recovery

Professional Climber Jason Nelson is climbing Wolf's Head in Wyoming's Wind River Range! Jason is wearing Incrediwear Tec-3 arm sleeves!

Incrediwear running and injury recovery products are like no-other products on the market! The range of sports socks and athletic supports are of the highest quality and like nothing else in the marketplace. Their success is simple; Incrediwear products start working within 5 minutes. If you have arthritis, cold feet, sprains, pain or discomfort, recovering from sport and joint injury or want to increase performance the results are fast!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Do You Crave Sweets?

Do you know anyone who craves sweets, or feels the need for more protein?

The fourth foundational product that helps your craving for sweets or your need for protein is BioLive Sprouts. It also helps to bring your body back into balance and help maintain that balance. What do BioLive Sprouts do? Soy Sprouts are living baby plant foods in their prime and are biogenic. This means that they can transfer their life energy force or zeta potential to you! At this stage of their development they have greater concentrations of proteins, vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, bio-flavonoids, RNA and DNA than at any other point in their life. Because soy sprouts are baby plants, their delicate cell walls release live nourishment and life force easily. Their nutrients exist in colloidal form and are therefore easy to ingest even with the weakest of digestion systems.

Shuzi: Nano Vibration Technology

Have you heard about the Shuzi (pronounced Shoo-zee) products? They require no batteries or other source of energy to operate. Shuzi uses a proprietary Chip that is made in the United States and is programmed to resonate with your cells’ natural frequencies utilizing “Nano Vibrational technology” (NVT). This programmable proprietary device is called the Shuzi Chip. When Shuzi is within six inches of your body, a subtle vibrational energy is emitted from the Shuzi Chip that stimulates your blood cells to separate.

It is a well known fact of science that ALL atoms are in a constant state of motion. This includes a physical objects atom, such as the atoms that make up a desk or chair. Every atom in a physical object is known to “vibrate” or oscillate back and forth. The Shuzi Chip, emits energy to stimulate a separation of blood cells in the wearer’s body which increases blood cell circulation.

qEEG tests have shown Shuzi products to improve both emotional and cognitive brain response by double digits in as little as 30 minutes. CLICK HERE to VIEW qEEG TEST REPORT.

Quantitative Electroencephalogram is a scientifically established methodology measuring and digitally recording electrical activity patterns produced within the brain, which primarily reflect cortical electrical activity or "brainwaves". The results of testing show that Shuzi Nano Vibrational Technology (NVT) had an average improvement in emotional efficiency of 17.0% (eyes closed) and in cognitive efficiency of 22.3% (eyes opened) after 30 minutes. These averages increased to 20.8% (eyes closed) and 26.9% (eyes opened) after wearing Shuzi's NVT for seven days or more. view full report ]

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Celebrities Choose Shuzi Jewelry

Vitality Meets Technology

Tia Carrere is one of many celebrities who choose to wear Shuzi pendants as seen here in the Luxury Lounge celebrating the latest Grammy Nominees.

Shuzi's NVT contributes to your brain's ability to maintain an efficient, healthy style of function as you go through your day. People are able to learn methods to better manage psychological and physiological stress (breathing exercises, meditation, etc.) and enhance performance, however, this requires dedication and time to practice for automaticity on these strategies. In comparison, usage of Shuzi's Nano Vibrational Technology only requires the person to wear jewelry embedded with the technology enabling the passive process to achieve the benefits of improved balance, cognitive functioning and emotional functioning. While results vary from person to person, this clinician's testing found Shuzi's NVT to be effective and beneficial in helping to manage and regulate responses to stress, but should not be solely relied upon as the only means of managing stress.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

My Final Harvest Is In

The last of my Summer Harvest of 2013
The cold snap has zapped my veggie garden. This is all that is left. I made Eggplant Parmesan this afternoon. The few shown here will probably become Baba Ghanoush. I was late planting this year. So, I had to say fair-the-well to my little Eggplants that didn't get to see their full potential.

I hope you plant a garden too. Yes, you can plant a winter garden. I enjoy eating according to the seasons. Even though the markets can provide produce out of season, I enjoy my gardening.

Happy Planting!

Sunday, November 03, 2013

pH -D3 (Vitamin D3)

(Originally posted on 9/2009)

If you’re reading this – you are probably suffering from a Vitamin D deficiency. This isn’t scare mongering or marketing hype – it’s the plain truth. According to the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine: "Vitamin D Deficiency is Pandemic." And if you are saying “So what?”, there are lots of reasons why you should be concerned, all having to do with your health.

If you think Vitamin D only affects your bones, think again. In recent years medical investigators have re-opened research into this “common” vitamin – and have come away with a new found respect for its wide ranging health and healing properties. Their overwhelming consensus? Vitamin D3 supplementation is necessary. And lots of it. Vitamin D3 is one of the few vitamins the body can actually manufacture itself, through a complex process involving sunlight. But this isn’t enough. In fact, in a recent study, 83% of people in Saudi Arabia were found to be Vitamin D deficient - and you really can’t find a sunnier place than Saudi Arabia!

Friday, November 01, 2013

Make Healthy Food Choices

So you want to maintain the progress the family's made in their eating habits and weight loss by making healthy food choices. Great! You are what you eat and you express what you ate too. First Lady Michelle Obama's Let's Move initiative and Surgeon General Dr. Regina Benjamin stepped out with a new food icon in 2012 called MyPlate which offers a visual reminder to make healthy food choices when you choose your next meal and make school lunches for your little ones.

MyPlate has a companion tool called the Super Tracker that can help prioritize food choices by reminding us to make half of our plate fruits and vegetables and shows us the other important food groups for a well-balanced meal: whole grains, lean proteins, and low fat dairy. To say the least, this is a tremendous move forward in the battle against obesity. The White House Chef uses MyPlate to create school lunches for their visitors. I think it is another great resource to use one you  decide to be proactive about your health and that of those you love. And Face it, health is a BIG topic right now.