Thursday, June 06, 2013

Get Fit Using Vibration Exercise

With all the effort you put into your transformation through diet and supplements, it's imperative that you do not neglect your body's need to move. Fitness is so critical to your overall mobility and mental health. -Here's some awesome news...We live and love longer. If that doesn't impress you, how about this...It's cheaper to live unassisted in your own home, rather than with a care giver accompanied by costly medical bills. Now more than ever, it's important for you to take care of your body
Above: The VibrapHirm is a prat of The pH Miracle Center Gym
It fits in beautifully taking very little space, yet extremely effective!

There is a multitude of affordable and effective equipment accessible to you for your home gymnasium. Your home gym may be devoted to a corner of a room, an entire room, the garage or the basement. Whatever space you have designated as your gym, bravo for you! You've made an excellent start.

I want to introduce you to an extraordinary piece of equipment that can greatly assist you in your journey. Its called the VibrapHirm. It is available in 200 watts and 500 watts versions. The VibrapHirm will improve your fitness, your health and your well being. Fantastic!

A few features: 
  • VibrapHirm increases muscle strength, flexibility, mobility and coordination
  • Increases bone strength and density
  • It reduces back pain and stiffness
  • Its also highly effective in reducing body fat and cellulite
  • Positive results on neurological conditions such as Parkinson's
  • It combats osteoporosis... 
  • ...and improves collagen production. 
Please take a moment to select the link below and read more about the benefits of using the VibrapHirm. I think this is a wonderful addition to any gym no matter what your fitness goals are because it will contribute so much to your overall journey.

The information above is based on the research of Whole Body Vibration as listed in the Studies and Articles pages. It is not implied that everyone will receive these results from a VibrapHirm.

Whole Body Vibration Training is not new; it has been around for over a hundred years. The whole story is in the History of WBV page.

Curious about who uses Whole Body Vibration?
Check out the Users of Whole Body Vibration technology page.


  1. great post. Thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop xo

    1. Thanks for taking the time to read it Katherine. I appreciate your visit! xo

  2. never heard of this...sounds like an effective way to exercise!

    1. Hi Annmarie! Thanks for stopping by. It is a great way work your body. I added more links to the post that tell you more about VibrapHirm and who uses it. Check it out! :D

  3. Hi There, coming over from the blog hop to say hello. This is a great site. Looking forward to reading more from you.



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