Thursday, November 01, 2012

A Juice Extractor Is Important

Any juice extractor is a wonderful addition to your kitchen. However, if your going to make the investment, your best bet is the Samson Juicer (#KPE-1301). There's no comparison as it uses a Magnetic and Bio-Ceramic Twin Gear System technology. Yes, that's a mouthful.
-The Twin Gears don't touch each other preventing any possibility of metal scraps, caused by friction, to get into the juice or pulp. So they give you the high extraction your looking for and thoroughly crush, rather than cut and shred your fruits and vegetables.

It also has a bowl with a Bio-Ceramic Magnetic System allowing you to store fresh juice for up to 72 hours. That is cool!...To be able to store the juice (with no loss of vitamins) for longer periods is great! It also filters out harmful pesticides while extracting the natural juice from fruits and vegetables.

You can also use it for grinding various grains, very easily. It has multiple parts. So you can additionally make pasta and noodles as well as your healthy juices. Its pretty quiet and doesn't overheat. Lastly, its easy to transport if you want to take it with you to parties, for events, or to cook for someone shut-in (a senior, relative or someone recovering). As I stated, its a great addition. Also it makes a wonderful gift. Keep all that in mind!

Learn more

Check out the other Samson Juicer (#GB-9001) which is a juicer, Seasoning Mincer/Chopper, Meat/Fish Mincer and Food Mill. AMAZING!

Learn more


  1. I think I need one! Thank you for sharing your lovely blog at the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop. xo

    1. I always enjoyed my juicer! It makes a very significant (positive) impact on the body in short time. I see the difference in my skin before feeling the difference (sleep better, consistent true energy unlike the little spurts of energy I had prior to juicing, amazing sense of wellness, etc.) You really are what you eat and you can feel what you ate! Thanks for your visit. God bless you! :)

  2. Yeah it is necessary for everyone


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