Saturday, September 01, 2012

What's In Your Glass?

So, are you one of the many who are wondering what's in that glass in the Drink Your Greens and Minerals logo? Well, here's the recipe for that drink. This alkaline shake is a great alternative to your traditional breakfast and very delicious! Some of you will have to adjust to drinking green, but you will come to love it. This shake will also keep you fit, while giving you lots of energy. I hope you try it...enjoy. DYGandM!

1 cup shredded cabbage
3 cups fresh spinach
1 English cucumber
1 large avocado
2 limes, peeled
1 scoop Doc Broc's Power Plants
1 scoop BioLive Sprouts
1 tray ice cubes

Water to drinkable consistency (usually about 12-16 oz.). This makes about 60 oz.-serves 3-4. Place cabbage, spinach, cucumber chunks in VitaMix. Cut avocado in half, remove pit, scoop avocado into VitaMix, add Doc Broc's Power Plants, BioLive Sprouts, lime quarters or lime juice, ice cubes and 1 cup water. Mix adding water as needed.


  1. Wow that sounds so nutritious! I bet it would give lots of energy. Interesting idea. Will have to check out your product. Stopping by showing you some Monday Morning Love!

    Michele @

    1. Hi Shelly Ann....You will be surprised at how filling the DYGandM drink is and satisfying. You should watch the video on Green Milk at the top of my site. This is one of the drinks they serve every morning at the pH Miracle Ranch. Chef Shelly oversees the alkaline diet all clients/patients receive to heal their body. You can make it yourself at home and have the same benefits! :D Have a fabulous day....Thanks for your visit.

  2. useful post

    1. Well, I'm very glad its useful. :D I hope you decide to try the beverage. After all ones physical and spiritual health IS the foundation for beauty! :)


I so enjoy hearing from all of you. I welcome your thoughts, dietary goals, or whatever you would like to share with me. Thank you for your interest in +Drink Your Greens and Minerals. Have a terrific day!