Friday, November 09, 2012

Recommit to Ending Chilhood Obesity

I have been so impressed by First Lady Michelle Obama's Let's Move! outreaching programs, Chef Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution battles, Chef Rachael Rays contributions to the White House Chefs Move program, and the many others who work at ending Childhood Obesity in America. It's inspiring and motivational.

Somewhere while enjoying new innovations and dining on the wonderfully diverse foods of the many cultures we have in the United States, we all lost track of the calorie count...if we ever were counting. Now, in the after glow, we're aware of what Obesity is doing to our future generations, not to mention the present generation. We should recommit to being proactive and see if we can change the culture around us to being more health conscious. Learn new recipes that exchange sugars for stevia, eat the good fats (yes, there are fats that are good for ya'), grow some of our own fruits and veggies, then save on gas by walking whenever you can. Let's Move! has great information to empower and keep us moving toward healthy goals that end childhood obesity. Such as...

...and many more ideas, programs and ways to get involved with organizing your community. Visit them at to look around and learn more about obesity.

For products to compliment your efforts,
visit PHM Life: pH Miracle or Beyond Organic / Youngevity.

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